Well let me tell you
I saw the movie, and Kristen Steward (Bella) was the perfect choice for the role but big head Robert Pattinson (Edward) had a weird "do" that made his head looks excessively big in comparison with his shoulders, it was weird, and to tell you the truth he was a bit Charmin but I would had choose a better looking guy. I heard the real good looking guys wouldn't go for the amount of money they were offering Robert, So they had to make this guy appear very handsome. I guess we will have to keep him.
Anyway guess what. . .
New Moon is coming soon (of course now they have the $70.6 mil budget enough to make 3 more movies New Moon, Eclipse and Braking Dawn) I had the impression that they were working on New Moon but I guess not since Stephenie Meyer stated yesterday that New Moon will start production soon.
I could tell you more about the movie but the part I liked the best was the time I got to spend with my friends, WOW I didn't realized I knew so many girls.